Mar 4, 2020How Singapore Unites Against A Virus Attack | Stronger: The Battle Against COVID-19 | Full EpisodeNobody really knows how it started and where it is going to strike next. But Singapore is rallying together to fight this invisible enemy...
Mar 3, 2020Care Packs distribution at Tanjong PagarPresented Care Packs to our hawkers, stallholders, shopkeepers and cleaners on Sunday. Thank you to our Bukit Merah View Hawker and...
Mar 1, 2020Presenting essential items to the less priviledged families and town council workersPresented essential items in a festive pack for some of our less privileged families and town council workers last afternoon. Thanks to...
Feb 26, 2020Distribution of face masks and sanitizers to market and hawker stall holders @ Boon LayWent out early this morning to distribute face masks and sanitizers to our market and hawker stall holders in Boon Lay. Special thanks...
Feb 23, 2020Gifts for seniors @ ClementiThe kindness of donors was very much on our minds this weekend. FutuReady, InnoTrek and Formwerkz were corporates that went through...
Feb 22, 2020This is what an idea with a heart can bring a difference to someone's life (and yours too)Here’s sharing more from our day with #SGStrong grantee, Delane and his amazing volunteers from Operation Hands On. Their dedication and...