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Blog & News

Jan 5, 2024
Giant to donate rice, cooking oil to 3,000 low-income residents in Marine Parade
SINGAPORE - Supermarket operator Giant distributed rice and cooking oil to residents in one-room public rental flats in Chai Chee on Jan...

Sep 10, 2023
Tool kit with suicide prevention guidelines launched at Global Youth Leaders' Summit
Developed after a youth survey, it includes tips to improve mental health awareness, helping youths develop coping strategies Chia Han...

Jul 16, 2021
$250k fund launched for young Singaporeans to start social initiatives
Young people in Singapore who wish to champion causes such as mental health, suicide prevention or environmental sustainability can now...

Jul 16, 2021
New $250,000 grant seeks to help youth-led community initiatives
Youths who have a passion in championing social causes can now tap on a $250,000 grant to help them make a positive impact in the...

Feb 18, 2021
Body cameras for safety
The technology will allow operators to detect and rectify any lapses in real time The Outdoor Learning and Adventure Education...

Nov 16, 2020
Families attend e-camp complete with virtual campfire
L-R: Mdm Siti Alina Talib's 3 children, Hadi, 8, Hannah, 6, and Haikel, 11, in their fully set-up tent at home. They are one of more than...

Sep 11, 2020
Initiative to help vulnerable families tackle dengue threat gets support from 7 MPs
A dengue prevention Care Kit by the #C19iMozzieRepeller charity initiative. SINGAPORE — With Singapore grappling with a record number of...

Sep 5, 2020
Youth with mental health problems stay strong under Covid-19
As the stresses from the coronavirus pandemic kick in, teenagers and young adults are more open to seeking help with their mental health,...

Jul 19, 2020
MacPherson MP keeps her focus on residents' needs
MacPherson MP Tin Pei Ling (third from left) discussing the HappYouth programme with youth leaders from the Character & Leadership...

Jul 18, 2020
$100k of new mental health fund for peer initiatives
The BlueStar* Fund, for those aged between 10 and 16, lets young people help one another A new $1 million fund aimed at addressing mental...

Jul 17, 2020
$1 million fund launched to help deliver mental health programmes for youths
SINGAPORE — A $1 million fund was launched on Saturday (18 July) to provide grants to non-profit organisations that deliver mental health...

Jul 17, 2020
Dana $1 juta dilancar untuk bantu golongan muda yang hadapi masalah kesihatan mental
Dana yang diberi nama Musim Mas BlueStar* itu dilancarkan oleh pertubuhan dermawan setempat The Majurity Trust (TMT) dan syarikat minyak...

May 11, 2020
Sweet treats to bring cheer to 900 ST pocket money fund kids
Housewife Kellyn Ruan, 36, and her sons Jackson Low, 11, and Johnson Low, six, receiving packs of Mr Bean products like fresh soya milk...

Apr 16, 2020
Ground-up community projects get boost from new fund
The Singapore Strong Fund, started in February by philanthropic organisation The Majurity Trust, supports community efforts that help...

Apr 15, 2020
Singaporeans donate their Solidarity Payment to charities
Singaporeans aged 21 and above received a $600 payout from the Government on Tuesday, to tide them over the Covid-19 outbreak. But some...

Mar 4, 2020
How Singapore Unites Against A Virus Attack | Stronger: The Battle Against COVID-19 | Full Episode
Nobody really knows how it started and where it is going to strike next. But Singapore is rallying together to fight this invisible enemy...

Feb 16, 2020
Bowling them over with kindness
Senior Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth Sim Ann and (from left) national bowlers Muhd Danial and sisters Cherie and...

Feb 16, 2020
National bowlers do their part in fight against virus
In support of the #OpsHandsOn initiative, about 50 national bowlers and officials packed hundreds of masks and hand sanitisers and gave...

Feb 11, 2020
New ways for Singaporeans to offer help and support amid outbreak of COVID-19: Desmond Lee
SINGAPORE: Amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, many Singaporeans have stepped forward in various ways to do their part, from...

Feb 10, 2020
Coronavirus: Two companies giving out face masks and hand sanitisers to 5,000 senior citizens
SINGAPORE - More than 5,000 senior citizens will receive free face masks and hand sanitisers, which have been supplied by two private...
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